"Website" refers to website domain where these ToS are located.


By opening an account and using the Website you agree to understood, accept and be bound by these ToS.

We may make changes to these ToS. We may take appropriate steps to bring your attention to such changes (using notice on the Website)


You will not use any method to interfere or attempt to interfere with the correct normal operation of our services.

You will not use any automated software performing actions designed to provide you with an unfair advantage.

You will not exploit any malfunction of the system or game. Insted you will report it to Website owner (for which he may provide you with bounty).


We reserve the rights to CANCEL, SUSPEND AND CLOSE users accounts if we find any sort of abuse, cheat, exploit ... or any other malicious activity or violation these ToS.

We are not bound to provide reason if such action happens but we can (and mostly will).


We do not guarantee that the website is secure or free from errors or viruses.

It's your responsibility each time you use the Website to check for updates and/ or modifications of ToS


Under no circumstances the Website owner will be held liable for any damage caused by incorrect, delayed or abusive data transfer over the Internet.

Website owner is allowed to initiate any reasonable actions to protect customer information but will not be responsible and will not be held responsible if third parties gain control of any process or user information despite such action.